Chris Lee Shirtless Scandal

Congress Chris Lee arrived shortly after the subject discussed in the following contribution has come to light.
The questions are whether swirling Wednesday Rep. Chris Lee (RN.Y.) actually sent topless photos of himself to a woman he "is looking woman man" on the allegedly contacted on Craigslist.
According to Gawker, said the 46-year-old married Republican, wrote a list last month of a 34 year old woman looking to "financially and emotionally secure" men who "do not look like toads."
In an e-mail from a registered account, but sent to Lee, apparently someone said, are entitled to a 39-year-old, 6 feet 190 pounds blond / blue, "" divorced "lobbyist".
After some flirting back and forth, "said the woman Gawker that Lee sent him a picture of him, without T-shirt.
When asked for comments provided, spokesman Lee a denial, stating that Congress e-mail account was hacked.
said: "The Congress is married," the spokesman Gawker. "The only time he or his wife was written to sell something online antique furniture apartment when they consider changes to Washington ".