Why is the Ocean Salty?

Why is the Ocean Salty?If you live in fairy tales and mythology, you'll find that almost every culture to explain a story about how the oceans became salty. The answer is quite simple. Salt in the ocean comes from rocks on earth. Here's how it works:
The rain falls on the earth contains dissolved carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This makes the rain water is slightly acidic because of carbon dioxide (which forms carbon dioxide and water). The rain erodes the rock and the acid breaks down the rocks and carries it in a dissolved state as ions. performed, the ions in the second round of creeks and rivers into the ocean. Many ions in solution are used by organisms in the sea and away from water. Others are not used over a long period when their concentration increases with time left.
The two ions that are present most often in seawater are chloride and sodium. These two account for more than 90% of all the ions dissolved in seawater Incidentally, the concentration of salt in sea water (salt content) of about 35 per thousand. In other words just about 35 of 1,000 (3.5%) of the weight of seawater salts dissolved in a cubic mile of seawater, the weight of salt as sodium chloride, about 120 million tons would be. And just so you do not think the seawater is worthless, a cubic mile or 25 tons of gold and 45 tons of silver! Before you go and try alchemy on seawater, but just think how big is a cubic mile.
be distributed according to some estimates, if the salt has been in the sea and evenly over the surface would form a layer more than 500 feet (166 m) thick, about the height of an office building of 40 storeys.
Courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory.