Who's Zack Snyder's new Superman? Tudors actor Henry Cavill

new supermanRed cape of Superman is officially transmitted by a new main character. The New York Times, 27, Henry Cavill, a relatively unknown British actor known to fans of Showtime, The Tudors, "was cast as the Man of Steel in restarting new director Zack Snyder to frankness. This is the second start in less than a decade.
Brandon Routh as Clark Kent / Superman opposite Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth was cast in 2006, the 'Superman Returns' Bryan Singer vaunted starting. But after the director proposed to other projects, a new story by Christopher Nolan ("Creation"), designed Snyder had apparently chasing a new vision for his feature film version that opened in December 2012.
Snyder (director of "300" and "Watchmen") called the Cavill "the perfect choice to don the cape and S-shield."
Years ago, Cavill said to be a hero icon, back when McG ("Charlie's Angels") wanted a version of the popular vote "Superman" before Singer has taken the reins. In addition, Cavill would get so close to the role of Bruce Wayne / Batman, Christian Bale, before signing on as The Dark Knight under the direction of star Nolan's 2005 "Batman Begins".
In a statement, Snyder said, "In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the best known and revered character of all time, and I am honored to be part of his return to the big screen, I also join Warner Bros., Legendary and producers. to say how excited we are about the casting of Henry.