Last weekend Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has a lot of media attention. And rightly so. Some of the speakers were great successes. George Will gave a half-hour speech that deserves to be heard by everyone in this country. Nobody ever accused the authors of the most thoughtful being viciously overheating. He had never felt a shiver up and down the leg - even though Ronald Reagan elected. So, if George Will says the foundations of the liberal American experiment in ordered liberty fall, take note.
Senior Marco Rubio has been a great success. Former Florida Speaker of the House could include anti-Obama are described. This is not only because the Conservative candidate for the U.S. Senate rejected both the policy of President Obama. He does, and he has his poll numbers increase in direct proportion to drag the President has seen. It's more than that. Marco Rubio understands why America is in exceptional cases in the world. He inherited his parents' Cuban exiles a passion for freedom and abhorrence of government attempts to control every aspect of our lives.
Barack Obama was eloquent when discussing his "Dreams From My Father." But he seems determined to import tragic for us aspects of post-independence Kenya, his father is too short life made a nightmare. What part of tribalism, nepotism, corruption and socialism - the bane of many newly independent African states - we want to implement? If President Obama Wall Street bankers praise - while the rest of "big cats "- you're sure the praise he main funders, the liberal politicians and causes can. crony capitalism at its worst.