Promise Day SMS

Promise Day SMSPromises are not broken because of this. A promise, makes a person feel safe and if achieved, it builds confidence. Make a pledge today to your friends or family on Promise day.
Just a little promise, it could be something. Promise your partner that you lose weight or make you smile five times a day. These small gestures will always remain a pleasant memory.
During the day even more special, a few days ago SMS Promise.
We met it was Luck! We talked it was CHANCE!
We became friends it was DESTINY! We are still friends it is FAITH!
We will always be friends its a PROMISE! On this Promise Day.
With every beat of my heart…
I will love you more and more,
After years of togetherness…
This is my solemn vow for you, my love!
Happy Promise Day…
Speaking without egos,
Loving without intentions,
Caring without expectations,
I promise you that you will be mine always.
Happy Promise Day