Portlandia Begins Tonight

PortlandiaPortlandia is a sculpture by Raymond Kaskey above the entrance of Michael Graves' Portland Building in downtown Portland, Oregon, located at 1120 5th Avenue SW. This is the second largest hammered copper statue in the United States after the Statue of Liberty.
Portlandia, Jason Sudeikis is looking. The new single "Saturday Night Live" actor, who has just returned from "Mad Men" star January Jones had separated, spent nearly an hour hit Heather Graham at the premiere of IFC "Portlandia" Edison Ballroom Wednesday night. Graham, who had his brother Yaniv Raz heard separately, the actor has found fairly amusing, but after a male friend of the "hangover" hottie stopped Thurs Sudeikis was a funny man a redhead.
"Portlandia" star Fred Armisen and his "SNL" co-star Abby Elliot has nothing to rumors about their relationship with the rest done.The two sat together and smiled at each other regularly at the screening of the problem. In addition, blocked for performance close later in the night by The Thermals. At one point, 44-year Armisen on the wall next to Elliot, 23, was brutally kissed dance.We are not consulted.
The dream of living in a country where food trucks offer meals in reusable crates, respect for cyclists in training and Freegans forage for free? Portland is for you - and a new show on IFC called "Portlandia" both celebrates and parodies of the city so green it is funny.
"It's like Gore won - The Bush administration never happened" Portlandia "This is how the idealism of Portland, the system of musical opening nitpickiness And this idealism in a restaurant scene spoofed Green, described the case of a pair of clients Pepper boy with a battery of questions about the chicken they can eat or not "." - "What is the size of the area that the chickens be able to travel for free?" - Before leaving the restaurant to visit first-hand on the farm.
GOOD Taylor Clark thoughtless details nicht'Portlandia inside jokes "ns can not be aware." The [Portland] People laugh riot "We, the bird on things," is the second episode of the sketches with a pilot bicycle courier who abuse the TV and a duet, the specialization of the stencil with birds on any consumer product imaginable, but for those who are not experienced cyclists belligerents Portland and birds obsessed indie artisans first hand, I'm not sure it's funny, these bits. "