E-Russell Williams informed the BlackBerry at 11:18 It was not a note of urgency, but a subordinate to make sure at CFB Trenton wanted the colonel was aware of an "incident" which took place earlier this morning: A parachutist has a broken leg during a training session. "Injuries like this are unfortunately a relatively common phenomenon," said Major Steve Camp. "The media interest is unlikely."
Seven hours later, Lloyd was dead.
The depth of Williams' life was exhibited sadistic double gruesome detail in his recent conviction. It was, without exaggeration, a monster hiding in a uniform relentless sex offenders who also happens to be in charge of the country's main air base. But on the first anniversary of his arrest shocked the other to the full extent of his double personality. Internal documents from the Department of National Defence, by Maclean's under the Act on Access to information will give new insights into the cooling of a commander of killer clothing, including the fact that it checks its inbox, while Lloyd took. Documents into dozens of personal e-mails include Williams show how he has managed to seamlessly transform the killer agent series outstanding.