welcome to family watchdog!

family watch dogThe world today is still very precarious for children who are vulnerable to any type of Internet predators. There are many types of criminal threat, lurking on the path of your children child molesters to rapists can find the strike and even virtual flight.
Of course, as parents, we want to protect our children as we could, and the reason for "Family Dog Watch" to exist.
No, to keep a pet bulldog and Labrador does not help to protect against such danger.
'Family Watch Dog "is actually a website created to monitor sex offenders in the United States.
It uses a mapping tool that provides comprehensive information on criminals with photo, address, details of their convictions and a map of the environs of the house of the offender. The site aims to empower citizens to public information easily accessible, using them to their families safely.
Family Watch Dog also catalogs information on identity theft and cyber-sexual crimes. It offers forums, communities on recent changes in criminal activities to date.
The site was launched in 2005 and has provided accessible and accurate location information of sex offenders.
Family sex offenders watchdog is certainly a site that you can count on.